Press Release: Global Wavenet selected to speak amongst global telco giants at MWC Shanghai

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE [27th June 2019, Shanghai].

Founder and CEO Suren Pinto of Global Wavenet, a leading specialist in telecommunication ICT enablement, was featured as a keynote speaker at the 2019 June International Mobile World Congress event in Shanghai. The keynote took place on 27th June and the event was attended by an international community of mobile operators, device manufacturers, technology providers, vendors, and content owners in the global telecommunications and mobile industry.

The three-day Shanghai conference took place from the 26th – 28th of June and was organized by the international trade association GSMA.  This annual event has grown to become Asia’s largest exhibitions and thought-leadership conferences in the mobile industry. It was a great opportunity for Wavenet to also highlight Sri Lanka’s ICT talent and technology capabilities.

Speaking on behalf of the company, Head of Group Corporate Communications at Global Wavenet, Dulmi Gunatilake said, “It is a proud moment indeed for Wavenet to be featured on what is known to be ‘the most elite conferences of the mobile telecoms world’, as this places Wavenet on par with internationally recognised vendors in the mobile industry. It is a clear indication of the company’s brand recognition in terms of delivering innovation and relevant differentiation amongst highly competitive global brands in the global telco market. The company being selected to speak on an international stage by an elite organisation such as the GSMA increases the company’s brand equity in the eyes of Wavenet’s stakeholders and more importantly, in the ICT industry in Sri Lanka”.

Suren Pinto – Wavenet’s CEO and keynote speaker delivered his keynote speech under the ‘Media and Content Summit’ on the trending topic of delivering smart video content technology and on how mobile operators can monetize this opportunity. Mr. Pinto stated, “Wavenet’s strategic direction has always been based upon building value for mobile operators through rich engagement platforms, efficient network consolidation solutions and digital services, and this year we are taking a special focus on impacting operator business models with Wavenet’s new Digital Transformation Solutions Suite that enables superior software architectures inside mobile operators to drive smarter back-end operations, build state-of-the-art AI infused systems to deliver on better operational efficiencies and business ROI”.

“Wavenet will always be at the forefront of technology driving connectivity in the new tech arenas such as 5G, IoT, AI, Big Data and beyond so that we enable our customers – the mobile operators to explore the deeper depths of Intelligent Connectivity” he added.
